10 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
10 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
10 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
11 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
11 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 B is a standard Economy Class seat with extra legroom due to the missing seat in front. |
11 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
11 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 D is a standard Economy Class seat with a missing window. |
2 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 B has restricted legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. The overhead storage space is reserved for emergency and flight attendant equipment. The front of the plane is particularly noisy due to the proximity of the propellers. This seat has moveable armrests on the aisle side, which gives this seat extra width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
2 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 C has restricted legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. The overhead storage space is reserved for emergency and flight attendant equipment. The front of the plane is particularly noisy due to the proximity of the propellers. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
3 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 A is a standard Economy Class seat with extra legroom due to the missing seat in front. However this row is missing a window. |
3 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
3 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 C is a standard Economy Class seat, however this row is missing a window. |
4 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
4 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
4 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
6 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 A is a standard Economy Class Exit Row seat. |
6 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 B is a standard Economy Class Exit Row seat. |
6 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 C is a standard Economy Class Exit Row seat. |
7 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
7 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
7 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
8 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
8 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
8 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
9 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 A is a Economy Class Exit Row seat. |
9 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 B is an Economy Class Exit Row seat with extra legroom. |
9 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 C is an Economy Class Exit Row seat with extra legroom. |