Does Cathay Pacific have online check-in?
Yes, Cathay Pacific's Web Check-in allows you to check in 24-48 hours before your flight departs. All you need is an internet connection!
Check-in now for your Cathay Pacific flight
If you are departing out of Hong Kong International or Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport you'll be able to use a CXpress Kiosk to print your boarding pass at the airport otherwise you will have to retrieve your boarding pass from the Online Check-In Counter.
What are the requirements for using Online Check-in?
- Check-in 90 minutes-48 hours before your flight is scheduled to depart if you are a Club/Asia Miles member or you have purchased a ticket from the Cathay website.
- Check-in 90 minutes-24 hours before your flight is scheduled to depart if you have an electronic ticket.
- You are not traveling on a codeshare flight.
- You are not departing from one of the following locations: Bahrain, Colombo, Xiamen, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) or Langkawi.
- You are not a special needs passenger (ie. Unaccompanied Minor).
Make sure you leave enough time at the airport to get through security, check your bags etc.
Can I use Online Check-in if I have bags to check?
Yes, but will have to drop your bags at a Cathay Pacific Check-in counter at the airport before the cut-off time.
Can I change/select my seat with Online Check-in?
Yes, when you use Online Check-in you can:
- Change/Select your seat.
If I plan to check in at the airport, how much time should I allot?
Cathay Pacific recommends you arrive at the airport 2 hours before your flight is scheduled to depart.
- If you are departing from Hong Hong, you are required to have your boarding pass at least 45 minutes before your flight's scheduled departure time.
- If you are departing from North America or Riyadh, you must have your boarding pass at least 60 minutes prior to departure.
- If you are departing from Dubai, you must have your boarding pass at least 75 minutes prior to flight departure.